Hipsters presents an infographic about the history of Magic’s Top 25 rankings, plus news from GP Music City.
Matt addresses the group about what he’s learned about Team Draft League attitudes.
Hunter’s on whatever the opposite of a heater is in Khans of Tarkir draft, and he wants to figure out why.
What the rest of us can do about cheating in competitive Magic.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Carrie breaks down how she builds a Khans sealed deck.
Duncan takes a look at a powerful (and budget-friendly!) Standard deck.
Shawn forces five color in this triple Khans of Tarkir draft on MTGO.
Derek puts together the Pro Tour winning deck off the net and takes it to his FNM. How does he end up?
Jess talks Commander 2014 spoilers, and she is PUMPED UP!
Matt misses Eternal Weekend and silver lining’s his team into a very valuable Grand Prix Nashville Team Sealed practice.
This week we take a look at the way the community feels about cheating and also recap Eternal Weekend 2014