Grand Prix Nashville

Dave and Kadar joined Matt at GP Nashville. Winning happens.

2014 Holiday Shopping Guide

It’s time for our annual holiday shopping guide! The only guide you need for all the Magic players in your life.

Suspicious Khans Sealed Advice

@uncle_gcb challenges @ReidDuke to a grudge-match sealed-deck build-off on this week’s Counting to 20

Token Strategies

Hunter displays his personal collection of hotel keycard Magic tokens.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Learning To Love Combo In The City Of Brotherly Love

Tim calls an audible and takes a break from the fair decks at Eternal Weekend.

I Won a PTQ!

Carrie won a Khans limited PTQ! Read all about it!

Grand Prix Nashville

Last weekend Duncan hit up his first-ever Grand Prix. Find out how he and his teammates did!

10 Magic Cheaters Who Look Like Cats

Shawn matches up famous Magic cheaters with their long-lost cat doppelgangers.

Leg Racing to GP New Jersey

Derek has to buckle down and begin testing for Grand Prix New Jersey, but he still can’t decide on a deck and the clock is ticking!

Arthurian Court Intrigue

Zach returns to the world of Avalon for an unusual feature: a critique.


When it was first pointed out to me that Daretti, Scrap Savant was in a wheelchair, I didn’t quite realize […]