I’m running 4 Nimble Mongoose today. That’s right 4. You know how many Treasure Cruise are in my 75? Zero. […]
GCB describes his first real tournament, his first real competitive deck, and how he finally figured out that it wasn’t as good as he thought.
This week Hunter takes a page from Nathan Holiday and takes a Beast Punchy Blue-Green draft deck for a spin.
Duncan takes a swing at porting one of his favorite KTK Limited archetypes into Standard!
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Carrie breaks down one of the more exciting Khans of Tarkir draft archetypes—Trail of Mystery!
Shawn is planning to travel to GP New Jersey without a sleeved up Legacy deck. What is a mage to do?
Find out why Derek made the switch to playing blue right before Grand Prix New Jersey!
We all know that cheating is bad. The question is, how do we appropriately and communally respond to it? Zach’s got a story.
In Part II of his survival guide for Grand Prix New Jersey, Tim lays out the post-Khans Legacy metagame data.
Jess tells the story of her Commander 2014 precon grand melee. It went well, and these decks are super fun.
Tim will guide you through Legacy all week, leading up to Grand Prix NJ! Up first is a “cheat sheet” for some of the popular control and combo archetypes