Matt makes one trade to rule them all and some Power is involved.
GCB confronts tournament politics, bad beats, and taking responsibility at a PTQ.
Hunter ditched GP New Jersey side events for Twenty Sided Store’s awesome competitive Khans of Tarkir sealed event, and was rewarded with a PTQ-crusher of a pool.
Tim adds to his career tournament winnings, somewhat miraculously. Part 1 of 2 of his GPNJ experience
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Carrie faces the changing terrain of life, casts Scapeshift in response.
Shawn coughs up $100 to play a Sealed event featuring packs of Italian Revised. Was it worth it?
Check out my run at the recent Legacy Grand Prix!
Jess makes an Addams Family themed Commander deck, named Addams Family Value.
Zach’s got some new goodies from GPNJ and… doesn’t know what to do with them. Why do we obsess about value, anyway?
Matt Jones interviews friend, Magician, Channel Fireball writer, and music nerd Adam Barnello.
The inaugural PPTQ season schedule was announced last week. We take a deep look at the global breakdown of events and what it means for you.