An Open Letter to Gerry T

In response to Gerry T’s recent article on constructed deck design, GCB has some personal suggestions for Gerry.

All I Want for Magic Christmas

… is to win at Khans of Tarkir draft in my Last Picks Challenge. (And a copy of Mishra’s Toy Workshop!)

Kramer Control Wins a PTQ

Hugh Kramer won NYC’s final limited PTQ. Read how it all went down!

50-Card Zoo

Duncan jumps into a new casual format that’s gaining popularity and brews up a Zoo deck with his favorite creatures of Zoo days past and present!

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Your Guide to 2015 Season 1

We break down the details of the Pro Tour Qualifier schedule from December to February along with a few other major local events.

Legacy Cube #1 (Video)

Shawn and his little brother tackle the Legacy Cube on MTGO.


Derek succumbs to Magic Online in an attempt to get better at limited.

Choose Your Fate

It’s time for another Flashback Draft, and you can decide which old set will be drafted next!

Power Overwhelming

Jess breaks down what her Nahiri, the Lithomancer deck looks like.

Abschied Carrie, hallo Würfel

Matt enjoys TDL week eight, and puts the TDL cube together.

Worlds 2014 Preview Edition

This week we preview the World Championship and the World Cup which will take place this week.