Andy shares his Team Draft League experience thus far from an easy chair by the fire.
Hunter breaks down the Khans of Tarkir commons and uncommons that will straight-up murder you out of nowhere.
Carrie explores what makes a limited all star into a constructed powerhouse.
Duncan talks about what it’s like to be on a Magic: the Gathering team with your friends, all in preparation for the PTQ this weekend.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Derek is going deep… how far does he have to go backwards before he starts winning games of Limited?
Shawn takes a look at the upcoming side events and artists galleries at GP Baltimore.
Zach’s here with speculation and concerns about next year’s big release: Modern Masters 2!
Jess talks Teferi, Temporal Archmage. Every incarnation of that dude is gross.
Holy shit, sometimes it’s hard to find things to write about. But it’s often easy to find things to look at.
We recap all the news from Worlds week including Modern Masters 2 and your new world champions.
This week we review a new deck-building game called Emergents: Genesis designed by some local ex-Magic players and Brian David-Marshall