
Carrie shares her sweet decks from a sealed PPTQ and explains why Manifest is better than you think.

Harsh Winter Magic

It’s cold. Too cold. Getting out to play Magic can be tough in this weather…

Make New Friends, But Keep the Old

Jess talks about a political deck built around Tasigur, the Golden Fang, and shows what the base elements of such a deck would look like.

Papa Longo’s Story Time–TDL Week 3 vs Quietest Spikes

Papa Longo’s week three draft report in the Team Draft League.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Terrible Ten Pod

Ever been in a six or ten-person pod and not known what to do? Zach’s got the strategies for success.

Meet the New (MTGO) Boss

This week we take a look at the first changes Lee Sharpe is making as MTGO event manager

Biting the Modo Bullet

In a twist on the classic tournament report, GCB brings you a Magic Online PPTQ tournament report, complete with crashes, bugs, bad beats, and good beats.

Negotiating With Terrorists

In which our hero experiences the very baddest of beats during a Fate Reforged draft: those that are self-inflicted.

Scrub Report—Scrubbing Off Part 4

In his final installment, guest Scrub Garrett Gardner recounts a local limited championship.

Pro Tour Fate Reforged Recap

Join the Doomed Travelers as they discuss the results of Pro Tour Fate Reforged, as well as the announcement of Magic Origins and the updates to the World Championships!

The Pro Tour

Carrie shares her experience and insight from Pro Tour Fate Reforged.