Playing with Monsters

Matt plays Standard even though he always says he won’t.

Designing Tempest Remastered

This week we put on our designer/developer hat and build Tempest Remastered

The Names and Faces

Zac recounts the discussion with Fred as he finds out they were banned.

Basic Lands are Retro

What might Antonino De Rosa’s exciting Dark Deal deck imply about this stale Standard format?

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

The Scrub Report—Intro to Deck Building

Hipsters of the Coast is happy to welcome Ashlee Rubinstein, our newest Scrub. In her first article she recounts the troubles of building a deck!

Environmental Factors in Magic

Hunter reflects on how environment affects his Magic gameplay—and checks in on his GP/PTQ win/loss record to see if he does better at premier events.

Don’t Google FTV: Angels

Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss the upcoming From the Vault: Angels release.

Five Weird Tricks

Carrie shares some weird interactions and scenarios from her recent tournament matches.

The Pauper Cube and the Wolfpack Invitational

Shawn continues his cube review for the upcoming “Wolfpack Invitational”. This time he interviews himself about the pauper cube.


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The Modern Format

Join the Doomed Travelers as they discuss the health of the Modern format…all while playing Destiny!