Limited Time

Carrie is headed to Cleveland to play some Fate Reforged Sealed, but her mind’s on new Dragons.

Magic Duels Origins

Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss the upcoming release of Magic Duels Origins, the newest Duels of the Planeswalkers video game.

Spoiler Season!—Dragons of Tarkir

Dragons of Tarkir is here! Join the Hipsters as they make foolish predictions about cards they’ve never played!

Wolfpack Invitational Report **1st**, Part Two

Shawn continues his report on taking down the first ever Wolfpack Invitational, a cube-a-thon for the ages.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Between Worlds at GP Miami

My experience attending GP Miami.

The PAX East 2015 Magic Panel

The Doomed Travelers podcast is a bi-weekly Magic news show recorded while playing Destiny. Make sure to subscribe to the Doomed Travelers […]

Papa Longo’s Story Time—Lingering Tanimals

Papa Longo faces his long time rival in this week’s Team Draft League.

Sick Beats, or Prose and Cons at Cons

I attended my fourth PAX East this past weekend and it was certainly a unique experience; it’s my first PAX […]

PAX East 2015

Rich went to PAX East, live-blogged the Magic panel, interviewed a bunch of Wizards people, and forgot to include an excerpt! All this and more, today on “What We Learned.”

On The Stack—The Webs We Weave

This week, On The Stack continues their discussion about their history in the New York Magic community.

Spring Break Art Fair Magic

Jones talks about art and Limited and a bit about basketball. This one is mostly true. Aren’t Webb’s fingers wizardy in the featured image?