A few drafts and some laughs in the wake of a grand prix.
Shawn finishes up his series on cube with an interview with friend and Boston local, Phil Kim.
Papa Longo takes you on a journey in this week’s Team Draft League.
Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss all of the upcoming dragons from Dragons of Tarkir.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Zach flew out to GP Cleveland and came in 42nd place. Here’s Day 1: Making Day 2 with a Bad Pool.
At PAX East we were able to sit down with Brand Manager Liz Lamb-Ferro to discuss Duels Origins, MTGO, Women in Magic, Pro Tour Coverage and more.
Matt investigates his favorite piece of Dragons of Tarkir art and Interviews artist Carl Frank.
Let me tell you about Donnie Blane. I met Donnie in little league in 5th grade. We were teammates in […]
GCB hitched his last hopes for Pro Tour Brussels to sealed deck on Magic Online. Find out what happened in his full report. (Spoiler: there is drafting at the end)
Guest Scrub Reporter Ashlee gives newcomers to the game a breakdown on how to approach a Pre-Release.
Hunter makes the right play in a Fate Reforged draft, gets punished badly for it—and commits to make the same play next time.