Noted streamer Gabe aka The Doc travels to Cleveland for his first-ever GP, and goes on a sick run after a disappointing start!
Welcome to the 2015 March Madness Planeswalker competition coming live from all across the multiverse!
Zac dredges up the genesis of his friendships with Black and Sprocket.
Monique is back with her nifty table of Instants. Brush up on Dragon’s of Tarkir combat tricks and other instant speed spells just in time for the prerelease.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Three tales of Magic players struggling to find purchase on the Pro Tour thrill ride.
Hunter fucked it all up at GP Cleveland last weekend—but he had fun anyway. Here’s his photo essay!
On her final week as a rotating Scrub Reporter, Ashlee explains how altering MTG cards helped her break the ice at her LGS.
Carrie fumbled the go-ahead touchdown in Cleveland. Read about it and make fun of her here.
Hipsters’ newest columnist, Curtis Wiemann, takes into the real-world Mongol history that lies behind the plane of Tarkir!
Jess highlights the three factors that are most important to her evaluation of new commanders.
Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss the timeline-shifted cards from Dragons of Tarkir.