In Bloom

Shawn talks about finally taking Bloom Titan to the top eight of a Modern event.

Silence, Exile, and Cunning—Popcorning the Pro Tour

I kick back, watch the Pro Tour, and think about red.

Papa Longo’s Story Time—Enter The Dojo

Buckle up—Season 6 of Team Draft League is going to be a bumpy ride.

Drafting UB, or The New Gatecrash

Zach rocks UB in draft, a color combination generally regarded as poor, and goes undefeated. Here’s why he thinks Silumgar is good, and possibly the best archetype at present.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir

Zac Clark takes over for a week with his guest post covering Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir

Dead Guy Fred

Zac talks about Fred and how important his expertise was.

The Scrub Report—Reports From the North Part 1

This week we join a new Scrub Reporter, Tyson Leonard, as he details getting into magic as a way to make friends in the cold, harsh northern lands of Canada.

It’s Easy Being Green

After a week in Europe, Hunter came back to the States itching to play some Dragons of Tarkir. Find out how he did with two green-based MTGO prerelease draft decks.

Dashing for Fun and Profit

Carrie breaks down the dashing Kolaghan draft deck.

A Planeswalker’s Guide to Earth—The Abzan Houses

Hipsters’ new historian, Curtis Wiemann, continues his look at the earthly origins of Tarkir and the Abzan Houses

1995 Conference of Professionals Tounament Report

My 1995 Conference of Professionals tournament report.