Esper Dragons and Drafts

Derek plays Esper colors this week and gets hooked.

The Imaginary Magic Hygiene Problem

Shawn discusses a recent string of posts about bad hygiene at Magic tournaments and disputes the notion that this is a real problem.

Papa Longo’s Story Time—Drafting the DTK

Papa Longo gives you his impression of what kind of decks you can draft in DTK.

Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir Recap

Join the Doomed Travelers as as they discuss Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir’s impact on the new Standard format.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Video Replay

Should the DCI floor rules be amended to allow for video replay? We take a look at the ongoing debate.

The Scrub Report—Reports From the North Part 2

Scrub Reporter Tyson made some mistakes.

Practicing Dragons of Tarkir Sealed

Determined to be ready for his next Dragons of Tarkir sealed GP, Hunter practiced on MTGO last weekend. Find out how his smashy GW build performed!

Bombs Suck

GCB breaks down what made his draft decks at PT Dragons of Tarkir successful… or not so successful.

A Planeswalker’s Guide to Earth—The Jeskai Way

This week’s installment of A Planeswalker’s Guide to Earth explores the Jeskai Way, Taoism, and Mongol rule in medieval China!

Why I Still Write

Jess talks about the frustrations she’s been having with the Magic community in the wake of a backlash against enlightenment values.

Justice on Display

Carrie compares public justice on Pro Tour coverage and at the Supreme Court.