Guest Etiquette—Feasting on Man Tears at GP AC

Casual modernist Zil talks about her first GP experience, playing a Modern side event at GP Atlantic City.

One Crucial Decision

Carrie examines how to give a game away, one decision at a time.

Death in Installments

my exhausted come down from Grand Prix Atlantic City.

Tempest Remastered Draft #1

Shawn gives Tempest Remastered a try and breaks down his picks and matches.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Crime And Punishment

This week, the Doomed Travelers discuss cheating in Magic and the recent punishments handed down by the DCI as a result of the events from Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir.

Principles of Limited Design: Colorless Cube Fixing

Welcome to (hopefully) a series of articles dedicated to what makes for good Limited design.

Sorcery Speed

Matt practices DTK for the first time as he’s rejoined TDL as a mid-season sub.

Cashing Out in Atlantic City

This week I talk about the long process and emotional ride of cashing out my Magic collection

The Opposite of Crapping Out

Zac finally makes a Day 2, he talks about the difference between making it and not making it.


A dramatic final to a PTQ turns into a dramatic judge call, as evidence points to foul play. But is it conclusive?

A Planeswalker’s Guide to Earth—Judgment Day

This week’s Uncharted Realms takes us back to the plane Zendikar, sometime before the events of the original Zendikar block […]