Arkham Trite

Jess talks about Batman: Arkham Knight, a videogame she recently played and found wanting.

Five Origins Stories

Carrie picks out her five favorite spoiled Magic Origins cards for limited.

Birthday Cube Drafting

I spent my birthday taking my cube on her maiden voyage!

Wandering in the Starfield of Nyx

Shawn discusses the possibilities for Starfield of Nyx in Standard and Modern.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

The Regional PTQ (Top 8)

One man. One mediocre Sealed pool. One RPTQ Top Eight. Here’s the story!

More Magic Origins Spoilers

This week, the Doomed Travelers discuss some spoilers from Magic Origins, focusing on the brand new mechanics: Renown and Spell Mastery.

Magic Origins Spoilers for Everyone!

This week we’re going to take a look at the first half of Origins spoiler season and break down the best five spoilers by psychographic

Jesper Myrfors Interview

Matt interviews the famed original Magic art director and eclectic fantasy illustrator.

Watch the Tram Car, Please

Zac Clark tries to focus on focusing.

A Planeswalker’s Guide to Earth—Sphinxes

This week, we visit Vryn, the plane of Jace’s youth, and talk about Sphinxes in Magic and history!

The Rabble

Scrub Reporter Kairi fights the clique-y world of competitive magic with Rabble Red, but is it enough to keep her excited about the game?