Kate reviews the work that goes into altering Magic Cards
A shorthanded Doomed Travelers crew reviews Pro Tour Magic Origins and the massive upcoming changes to Organized Play.
Following Liliana’s encounter with the Raven Man, we take a birds-eye view of the folklore and history surrounding ravens!
This week we take what we learned from tennis, golf, and bowling and suggest radical changes for the Pro Tour
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Zac Clark talks shop about Shops and Dredge. Two of Vintage’s most maligned decks.
Just the man I wanted to see…
Scrub Reporter Daniel shares more wisdom for parents of kids playing Magic: The Gathering!
Carrie shares three lessons about Magic Origins limited from her weekend at Grand Prix Dallas.
Matt interviews Voice of Resurgence and all around amazing artist Winona Nelson!
Shawn discusses his first ever Rotisserie Draft.
Magic Origins has more mechanics than you’d expect, particularly from a core set. Perhaps that’s why so many players are getting cards wrong. Perhaps… it’s bad design.