Jess muses about the degree to which Wizards can, could, and should influence local game stores.
Shawn talks about Team Tunnel Ignus playing Two-Headed Giant and Team Wolfpack playing Modern at SCG Worcester.
You don’t have to win to make a tournament day productive
Special edition – this week, I got Top Eight at an Starcitygames Legacy IQ and write about piloting my Enchantress deck!
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
As expected, Battle for Zendikar has reprints, but for the first time (in expert set history), these reprints have the same art. Why? Is this a good idea? Zach’s got the scoop.
Happy Monday everyone! Zac Clark here, subbing in for Rich, who got married this weekend. We figured that’s a fair […]
Getting ready for a PPTQ, I encounter some not so positive people in the testing minefield.
Carrie busts out her top ten Magic Origins limited cards.
Jess gives a post-mortem of her latest organizational project.
Matt angrily talks about the history of Magic border graphic design.
Shawn suggests the recently spoiled Bring to Light as a potential inclusion to Modern Restore Balance and Scapeshift.