Building a Gauntlet for Pittsburgh

Shawn suggests a Modern gauntlet for GP Pittsburgh and offers some useful advice on testing.

Making the Unfortunate Adult Choice

No one writes about why *not* to attend a tournament. We assume everyone is about Magic first and foremost. Well, we don’t necessarily subscribe to that, and here’s why.

Death and Taxes and Blue Cards

Guest writer Aaron Gazzaniga shares his fresh Legacy brew, Blue-White Death and Taxes, just in time for GP Seattle.

Shadows over Innistrad Do’s and Don’ts

With the big reveal of Shadows over Innistrad this weekend, speculation on the set will run rampant. Check our guide of do’s and don’t before you speculate!

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.


This week Kate discusses playing Modern Infect.

Kill Your Darling, Darling

Furthering your Magic game most likely involves playing the deck you love to hate.

Standard Dimir Aristocrats

Carrie took the sweet Dimir Aristocrats deck to a top four finish at a local PPTQ.

Good Game Coverage

Jess talks about what she wants to see in event coverage, as a semi-casual viewer.

Grinding it Out—Power of Three

Danny West recently suggested changing the constructed card cap from four to three and we think it’s a brilliant idea

Gender Representation in Zendikar

We did a statistical analysis of Battle for Zendikar and our findings were surprising. Why aren’t Zendikari women allowed to fight and die?

Hasbro’s Q3 Earnings Report

This week we take a look at Hasbro’s latest earnings report and what it means for Magic