The Aftermath is a narrative-focused mini-set made up of 50 cards that come in five-card boosters. It will be Standard legal.
The decks include both Phyrexian and Resistance themes, and will include the first new Planechase cards in over a decade.
All three of the drops will feature cards in showcase frames from throughout Magic’s recent history, finished in the new Halo foil treatment.
Wizards is trying to encourage visits to local game stores with the WPN-exclusive drop featuring four more “what if” compleated variants.
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Lowry comes around to the idea of multiplayer Magic, thanks to the nature of having Urza at the helm.
Magic’s excellent Q4 was led by growth in the tabletop revenue thanks to Dominaria Remastered and Warhammer 40k.
Ryan looks at the evolution of Poison through the lens of an old deck, now revitalized thanks to Phyrexia: All Will Be One.
Theo is here to help guide you through the early weeks of Phyrexia: All Will Be One’s draft format!
Mizz Mizzet helps us navigate gaming group breakups, sharing spaces with others, and what to do when pet pictures enter the group chat.
Sacrifice engines, combos, and the power of monoblack. Luka takes us through a potent and exciting Commander from Phyrexia: All Will Be One.
Zach delivers a thoughtful and candid look on The Brothers’ War’s mechanics.