Evolving Wilds of Battle for Zendikar

The wilds of Battle for Zendikar limited are evolving. Carrie interprets the signs.

Revisiting Commander

Shawn takes a break from Modern to update his Commander decks.

GP Indy Report **14th Place**

Lexie Mettler reports from GP Indy where she put up a great performance with Abzan, was featured on camera twice, and finished in 14th place.

Experience the Commanders

Jess finds the primary Commander 2015 legends to be quite the experience.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Cubic Command 2015

Commander 2015 isn’t just for Commander players, it contains new options for Cube creators, as well. Zach’s here with the Cube breakdown of the new Commander additions.

Commander Week

We kick off Commander week at Hipsters of the Coast with a look at this year’s installment of WotC’s annual Commander boxed set

Battle For Zendikar Limited

Follow along as Derek analyzes some pack one drafting in Battle for Zendikar limited!

Shadows Of Excitement

This week Kate review’s what we know about the original Innistrad block to discuss what she thinks will happen in Shadows Over Innistrad.

The Travis Woo Interview

We catch up with former Channel Fireball writer Travis Woo

A Planeswalker’s Guide to Earth—Perpetuating Propaganda

Jess and Curtis respond with historical context to Travis Woo’s poisonous and misinformed discussion of Nazi propaganda during his recent Magic stream.

Settlers of Halloween

Carrie took a week off from Magic to enjoy Settlers of Catan with her friends for Halloween.