The Case for Blood Moon

Whether Blood Moon should be legal is the subject of much debate in Modern. Derek makes a case for it to stick around.

Hope Eternal – Infect, Legacy Edition

This week Kate talks about Legacy Infect.

None Shall Past Bombs—Painful Truths

Carrie learned some painful truths in a recent online sealed PTQ.

X Marks the Hot

Jess discusses her Mizzix of the Izmagnus build.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Karoo’ing and Day Two’ing at GP Pittsburgh, Part Two

Shawn discusses his experiences on day two of GP Pittsburgh.

Pay One Life and Put a Goat Into Play

Colin returns to share how he learned to build his MTG Investment portfolio and shares his wisdom with the masses

BW Hatebears

Aaron is back with a new brew. This time he’s taking on the Modern metagame with his version of BW Hatebears.

The Jace Cycle

Five years ago, Jace was the best and most expensive card in Standard. The same is true today. Zach explains why it’s not worth buying in.

Types of Tilt

Lexie examines tilt and shows you how to overcome it.

Can Legacy be Revitalized?

There has been a recent increase in discussion on how Wizards can help revitalize Legacy and today we’ll take a look at the logistical challenges

No Reserved List or Lets Kill Legacy

Kate responds to Saffron Olive’s suggestion that banning the entire Reserved List is the way to revitalize Legacy