Top 10 Stories of 2015

We take a look back at 2015 and revisit some of the year’s top stories

Removing 8th and 9th Edition from Modern

This week, Lexie talks about why banning 8th and 9th Edition from Modern would be good for the format.

It’s Time to Unban Bloodbraid Elf

Derek continues our B&R announcement predictions before the Pro Tour. It’s time to unban Bloodbraid Elf.

Your Fifth Flooded Strand Gift

Kate shares gift request advice for the muggles in your life.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

None Shall Past Bombs—A Year of Flashback

Carrie examines Wizards’ announcement—a year of Modern flashback drafts.

Our Leaking Moral Compass

Jess does not have a high opinion of this particular leaker, but still believes in the value of blowing a whistle.

Sacrifice a Creature and Raise Dead an Artifact

Colin continues his tale of how he learned the trading trade with the story of how he met The Ogre.

Can Sword of the Meek Be Unbanned?

With the upcoming B&R Announcement next month, Shawn makes the case for unbanning Sword of the Meek in Modern.


Zach breaks apart his own mind to investigate a stream of losses. The results? Comical and crazy.

Spoiler Alert (Oathgate)

Zac reports on Oathgate—the surprise spoiler of Oath of the Gatewatch rares and expeditions.

Challenge Accepted

Aaron brews a sweet deck based on the mysterious Reddit Seance Modern challenge.