Zach examines the Modern bans and concludes we should have seen this coming.
This week we discuss Wizards newly found fondness for transparency in the wake of several recent PR stumbles.
This week, Lexie talks about the different type of control decks played in Pauper.
The second entry in our 52 in 52 review of the year features Whispering Woods by Clayton Emery
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
This article is going to focus on the basic concept of how “power” works in trading.
This week Kate discusses the importance of keeping your ego in check.
Jess looks at the proxy battle between Wizards and its consumers.
Carrie reports from Grand Prix Oakland on her final dance with Battle for Zendikar Standard
Shawn discusses the Modern metagame using data from the last two SCG opens.
Monique is back with her nifty table of Instants and Flash Creatures. Brush up on Oath of the Gatewatch combat tricks and other instant speed spells just in time for the prerelease.
Ever drafted four color token aggro control? Excited about Stormchaser Mage in Modern? Zach has and Zach is! Here’s the how and why.