Derek goes on vacation and finds time to enjoy the process, both in life and Magic.
Zac thinks everyone need to CHILLAX and learn to welcome our Eldrazi Overlords.
Shawn discusses the Pro Tour metagame after Oath of the Gatewatch and what it means for Modern moving forward.
This week Aaron reacts to a challenge to brew Counterfits, a variant of Nic Fit with Counterspells.
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Eldrazi Temple and Eye of Ugin tap for multiple mana. Zach’s here with an analysis of EVERY LAND that does. How do the Temple and Eye match up?
Lexie explains how to playtest when you don’t have a team of pros to help you.
Wizards is once again stricken by leaks, this time three months ahead of Shadows Over Innistrad.
This week we review Tapestries, the first Magic the Gathering anthology of short stories set in Dominia, the fledgling MTG universe of 1995.
This week Kate reviews some of her favorite Oath cards for Eternal!
Colin takes some time to respond to one of his readers on the topic of the ethics of MTG Finance and his personal trading philosophies
Carrie had some bad breaks at Grand Prix Vancouver. Read about them, laugh, and learn.