The Importance of Tournament Preparation

Lexie breaks down the mental game of tournament preparation.

The Cursed Land

This week we review The Cursed Land, the fifth of the original Magic the Gathering Novels, written by Teri McLaren

Real Life

This week Kate reflects on life and why she was absent last week.

Five-Colorless Eldrazi, Part One

Jess works through her process in creating a new Rainbow Eldrazi deck.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Into Devoid

Carrie reflects on draft metagaming and shares some sweet open devoid decks.


Zac Clark goes over the broad strokes of VendorGate.

Regionals Wrap Up

Shawn created a spreadsheet to breakdown the results from Star City Games Modern Regionals.

An Eternal Future

Eternal Masters is coming this summer! What does this mean for card prices, Legacy, Modern, and Conspiracy? We have the lowdown for you.

12 Candidates for President And The Planeswalkers They Remind Us Of

For President’s Day we take a break from the usual Magic content to bring you this special Planeswalker Election 2016 Coverage

Distant Planes

This week we review Distant Planes, the second Magic the Gathering anthology of short stories set in Dominia, the fledgling MTG universe of 1995.

Support System

Carrie explores one of the best archetypes in Oath of the Gatewatch draft, Selesnya Support.