Team Sealed Haiku

Carrie sets the stage for Grand Prix DC weekend with some weird haiku.

2 Stories about Limited

Zac shares two stories about Limited.

Spells like Teen Spirit

Shawn writes about skipping GP Detroit for the Wolfpack Invitational

Design of a Card: Aberrant Researcher

Delver of Secrets has grown up into an even more horrific insect. Here’s why Aberrant Researcher is a fabulously designed Magic card.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

WR Stax

This week Aaron discusses Stax, another old favorite that he puts his own touches on.

Markov Manor

This week we take a look at the marketing campaign Wizards kicked off for Shadows of Innistrad, and how it would have been ruined by unofficial spoilers.

Ashes of the Sun

This week we review Ashes of the Sun, the seventh of the original Magic the Gathering Novels, written by Hanovi Braddock, and featuring Minotaurs, Goblins, and a human caught in the middle

Eldrazi in Legacy

This week Kate reviews a new Mud Eldrazi deck she’s been running in Legacy.

Five-Color Colorless, Part 2

Jess goes back to working through her build process for Five-Colorless Eldrazi.

Snoozing Through Standard

Carrie was sick last weekend, so she laid in bed watching Standard at Grand Prix Houston. Mostly she slept. Read why!

Just Playtest Modern

Zac tells WotC, “YOU HAD ONE JOB!” and that was to playtest new cards in Modern.