The Colors of Magic

This week we read The Colors of Magic, an anthology of short stories from around Dominaria in the wake of the war between Urza and Mishra

75 Cards and a Little Hope

Zac’s focused on a good weekend.

MTGO Disappointments

This week Kate talks about why she gave up on MTGO.

Clue Drafting

Carrie delves into the blue-green clue archetype in Shadows Over Innistrad draft.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Magic in the Time of Trump

Jess worries about the effects nominating a proto-fascist will have on the social environment in competitive Magic tournaments.

Two Plays

Shawn discusses two excellent play decisions he saw over the weekend, one in Modern at the SCG Open and one in Standard at a local gameday.

NO Miracle Thopter Blade

This week Aaron takes another shot at Miracles to make it a bit more efficient at killing, now with thopters.

What Is Magic?

Magic is many, many things to millions of people around the world. Have you ever stopped to think about just what Magic is and how it can possibly be one game?

65,000 and 1,000,000

This week we look at some Magic data from Hasbro’s first-quarter earnings report


This week we finish the stories of Urza’s Saga block and setup the events that will make up the stories of the Weatherlight Saga and ultimately the Phyrexian Invasion

Enter the Battlefield Review

Matt reviews the new Magic Pro Tour documentary, Enter the Battlefield.