Why I’m a Hipster

Jess explains her attachment to the hipster label.

Two PPTQs & Two GPs

Shawn discusses his experiences at two local PPTQs and recaps GPLA & GPCHAR

Eternal Masters: Initial Limited Impressions

Eternal Masters spoiler season has begun! Let’s check out the cards most important to Limited: the commons and uncommons, and make some surprising inferences about the rest of the set!

From the Spice Cabinet—Mono Blue Thing in the Ice

This week Jerry comes back to show those Thing in the Ice brewers how it’s done! Always with a touch of Spice.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Announcements, Announcements, Announcements

Last week Wizards made a pretty significant announcement about announcements. Yes, that’s kind of meta.


Welcome to our 2016 52 in 52 series. This year I will be reading 52 Magic: the Gathering novels spanning […]

Junk Gifts in a Wonky Meta

Zac Clark is forcing Gifts again in a meta that doesn’t have a lot of dedicated graveyard hate.

Feeling the Blues

This week Kate starts a brew journey and you’re invited!

I Love the PPTQ

Carrie tells you why she loves PPTQs and you should stop hating on them so much.

Four Color Identities

Jess is cautiously optimistic about Wizards’s decision to make a set of four-color commanders for Commander 2016.

On the Bubble & SCG Indy

Shawn talks byes, Bubble Hulk, and SCG Indy.