Common Removal in Eldritch Moon

In anticipation of the prerelease, Zach studies the new and existing removal and see which colors are improving, and which are getting worse.

Spoilers in Legacy Brews!

This week Aaron revisits a couple older brews as well as an old favorite to discuss some new additions with the release of Eldritch Moon spoilers.

Pokemon Go

Sick of Magic buyouts and price spikes? Rich says forget all that and play Pokemon Go!

The Shattered Alliance

This week we review The Shattered Alliance which tells the final tale of Jodah and Jaya Ballard as they pick up the pieces of Terisiare after Freyalise ended the Ice Age.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Spoiler Season!—Eldritch Moon

Eldritch Moon spoiler season continues, with more reactions from the Hipsters team.

Buyout Blues

Kate addresses the buyouts that have been plaguing the MTG community.

Shadows Top Ten

Carrie shares her top ten limited cards from Shadows Over Innistrad.

Representation Dispels Lies

Jess points out the ways some of the lies and stereotypes about women in Magic have been self-fulfilling prophecies over the years.

Thalia, Tap and Stack

This week Jerry brings us a horrific look into the sick and twisted Prison of his mind, featuring Thalia, Heretic Cathar.

Where’s the Magic?

You may have noticed that there hasn’t been Magic GP video coverage in a month. Here’s why, and why it’s the norm for the near future.

Top Five Reserved List Cards to Color Shift

Rich looks at color-shifted reprints from the Reserve List and gives his Top Five for the future.