Pro Tour Eldritch Moon Day One

Did you sleep through day one of Pro Tour Eldritch Moon coverage? Don’t worry, we’ve got all the videos you need to catch up!

One Night in Karazhan Reviews, Part II

Rich continues his breakdown of the latest spoilers from Hearthstone’s One Night in Karazhan adventure.

I am Curious Red

Carrie looks at drafting red in Eldritch Moon and picking up 1/2 creatures.

Anger is a Tool

Jess talks about the strategic value and dangers of anger.

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One Night in Karazhan Reviews, Part I

The spoiler season for the newest Hearthstone adventure is in full swing so the time has come to start taking […]

Top 5 Eldritch Moon Tokens

Matt crowns the top five tokens from Eldritch Moon.

Between the Rock and a Hard Place

Jerry takes The Rock to strange new Modern places.

One Night in Karazhan

Rich unpacks the details of the recently announced Hearthstone adventure One Night in Karazhan.


This week we review Nemesis, the second chapter of the Masquerade Cycle and the story of how Crovax became evincar of Rath

Vintage Thoughts and EMN in Legacy

Zac and Nate talk Vintage and some interesting play calls in Legacy.

Eldritch Moon Sealed is Great

Carrie finished second and eleventh in two weekend Eldritch Moon sealed PPTQs. Get her insight before Grand Prix Montreal, Stockholm, and Sydney.