Zendikar Expeditions are here to stay, in the Masterpiece Series! Zach`s here with the likely effects they`ll have on Standard, Limited, and Magic in general.
We continue counting down our top 25 articles from the first four years of Hipsters of the Coast!
So you want to play Aluren in Legacy with the new and affordable Recruiter of the Guard? Jerry tells you how.
Wizards announced the new Masterpiece Series which will bring new and exciting non-Standard reprints to all Standard-legal expansions!
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Chief Hipster Rich wishes our site a happy fourth birthday!
We count down our top 25 articles from the first four years of Hipsters of the Coast!
This week we learn all about the Cabal and the Mirari as Rich reviews the next chapter of the 52 in 52 Magic story: Chainer’s Torment
Zac and Nate can’t stop talking spoilers for Kaladesh!
This week Kate discusses attitude and treating opponents with respect.
Jess catches up with Conspiracy 2 in a draft featuring Sovereign’s Realm.
Now that the first post-Karazhan Standard season is underway, Rich takes a look at how we figure out the new metagame.