It’s important to be able to find inspiration from weird places. At CubeCon, I drafted a couple different cubes with […]
Now for the final result, Zac Hill’s Standard Cube and the approaches taken to accomplish defining and creating this cube.
You may have heard that Standard is dying but Zac Hill is here to resuscitate it and breathe new life into Standard.
Lowry has a look at the Modern ban list, and wonders what might be able to depart it.
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How do you pick the art for your card choices? Donny takes a deep dive on the options you could find with Jor Kadeen.
Kyle explores Magic’s art of grief and swamps and the deeper resonance we all share with the falling of leaves, and the changing of seasons.
Dora introduces us all to Caparocti Sunbon, our official preview card courtesy of Wizards of the Coast.
Do the Arena Pre-Release Bundles have enough value to warrant their $90 price tag? We dive into the economics of Arena to find out.
Sam spent the weekend at CubeCon and shares his thoughts on cube drafting in general, and trying to give better advice than “pick good cards”
Lowry looks at some new potential crossovers for Magic and other popular games.
Hasbro’s overall revenue fell 10%, while The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth is the second Magic set to reach $200 million in sales.