Everyone’s Buying eSports Teams (and the Future of Magic Online)

This week we take a look at the changing landscape of eSports and Wizards of the Coast’s desire to get involved.


This week we review Legions, the middle-story of the Onslaught block and easily the most absurd story in the entire Magic the Gathering pre-mending canon.

All the Young Brews

Zac and Nate talk Brews.

No Changes

This week Kate talks about the lack of changes in the Banned and Restricted list for Legacy.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

The Day Yogg Died

Anthony breaks down the latest Hearthstone nerfs.

Attacking Kaladesh Limited

Carrie tells you what to do in Kaladesh limited: attack attack attack.

Depala Skywalker, Swoop-racing Champion

Jess walks through the opening steps of making a Commander deck helmed by Depala, Pilot Exemplar.

The Blur of Kaladesh

Matt compiles all the beauty and majesty of Kaladesh into card sized abstractions to feed your eyeballs.

Closing Out the September Season with Disco Warlock

Rich finishes the September Standard Hearthstone season with Disco Warlock and shares his thoughts on mulligans and match-ups.

The Kitchen Sink

Does Kaladesh seem fast for you? Did flood seem worse this weekend? That makes sense: Zach’s here to explain the importance and lack of Kaladeshi mana sinks!

Hulk Smash!!!

Jerry adds some Gearhulks to the spice cabinet with a fun new Legacy Golbin Welder brew.