Climbing the October Ladder with Discolock

This week Rich provides a status update as he pilots Discolock on the October Standard ladder

Nic Fit Mill

Jerry busts out the pepper mill to share some exotic new spice, Nic Fit Mill, a deck designed by Mike Girouard.

Wizards Announces Organized Play Changes for Pro Tour Kaladesh

Rich takes a look at the changes to Organized Play that were announced ahead of Pro Tour Kaladesh


This week we review Scourge and thank any and all divinities that this trilogy has come to an end.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Under the Radar, Over the Line

Anthony looks at a few cards he thinks have a real opportunity to shine in the new Standard Hearthstone season

Organizing for the Apocalypse

Jess takes charge of her collection, and finds some peace in organization.

How to Play Control in Kaladesh Sealed

Carrie took a control deck to the top eight of a Kaladesh sealed PPTQ. Read how to play defense in an aggressive format.

Top 5 Kaladesh Illustrations

Matt taps all his art critical powers and applies them to the most recent Magic set, ranking the top five illustrations.

Hearthstone October Standard Deck Selection

Rich proposes a few options for his October Standard Deck on the Hearthstone ladder and asks YOU to vote on them!

Legacy Sultai Leovold

This week Aaron explores a new deck for Leovold to break into Legacy.

Removal, At What Cost?

Kaladesh is out! How does its removal match up against other sets? Is Malfunction as good as Sleep Paralysis or Oblivion Strike? Find out here!