Giving up the Ghost

Jess steels herself for a purge of outdated Commander decks.

Kaladesh Limited Review

Carrie predicted Kaladesh would be an all-time great Limited format. What does she think three weeks after release?

Discolock Match-Up Discussion

Rich analyzes the match-ups for Discolock as he tries to climb out of the obscurity of the lower rungs of the Hearthstone ladder

The Kaladeshi Blues

Blue is the toughest color to evaluate at the beginning of any Limited format. Zach delves into why it is especially vexing in Kaladesh.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Vintage Naya Combo Loam

This week Aaron looks to Vintage and elevates Life from the Loam from Dredge.

Five Reasons the New Magic Story is Better than the Old Magic Story

After reading 40+ of the legacy Magic novels, Rich discusses why the new Magic Story is a vast improvement

The Moons of Mirrodin

Welcome to our 2016 52 in 52 series. This year I will be reading 52 Magic: the Gathering novels spanning […]

Post Shadows Update

Kate updates her Legacy Mono-Green Post deck, post Shadows block. Do you want to make your opponents Force of Will their own spells? You better read this post haste!

Top Legendaries for Beginners

Anthony tells you how to craft Hearthstone legendaries.

Overwatching a Friend

Jess is wowed when a friend finally clicks with the right Overwatch character.

Lessons from Grand Prix Atlanta

Carrie reports on Kaladesh Limited after Grand Prix Atlanta.