With Mean Streets of Gadgetzan looming we wonder when the release cycle will become more regular
Doctor Strange is a blue character faced with an unfamiliar, uncomfortable situation. There’s a lot to learn from this, both about Magic, and life.
If you struggle to stay focused when preparing for a tournament then Anthony has some advice for you
Last week Wizards announced a new partnership with Twitch for exclusive streaming rights.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
This week Rich reviews the final chapter of the Dominaria story: Future Sight
Nathan and Zac talk about SCG Baltimore.
This week Kate discusses her concerns with the recent Presidential election outcome and what that means for us as a community.
Carrie won a sealed PPTQ last weekend. Hear how she did it.
Things are going to get bad out there. Are you a Mirran resister or a Phyrexian compleationist? Do not let the Phyrexian oil of hatred corrupt your soul.
Rich looks at three new cards from Gadgetzan and builds some deck ideas around them.
This week Aaron continues to try and succeed with brewing in Vintage and ports a fun Legacy brew to take Vintage by surprise.