End of Year Thoughts

This week Kate wraps up the year with a short piece about how this year treated Legacy

Drafting Energy

Carrie predicts that Kaladesh will be an all-time great draft format thanks to a revolutionary new mechanic called Energy.

A Year in the Life of a Writer, 2016 Edition

Jess goes over some of her most interesting posts of 2016, in an attempt to make sense of it as a whole.

Epic World Championship Report (Part 1)

Anthony reports on his arrival at the Epic World Championship and the cube draft on day one

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Return of the Titans

Standard today looks a whole lot like Standard from 2010. Take a trip back to the Reign of the Titans to see what it can teach us about today.

Legacy Ashiok Pox

This week Aaron finally unveils his next travel into the Pox archetype with Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver

2016 Year in Review

It’s been an incredible year for the Magic community and today Rich looks back on 2016 and looks forwards to 2017

The Quest for Karn

This week Rich reviews the story of New Phyrexia in The Quest for Karn

Overs and Unders

Carrie breaks down his five most over and under rated cards in Kaladesh draft.

Change Focus

Jess shares some of the things she’s been thinking about towards the end of a rough year.

The 2016 Planeswalker Naughty or Nice List (Part 2)

As 2016 comes to a close it’s time to look back on a year of Magical storytelling. This week we’re […]