Jess writes about going viral in these heated times.
Anthony Lowry is here to tell you competitive Magic players how to start climbing the Hearthstone ladder.
Zach breaks down the design of the newest iteration of Tar Snare: Cruel Finality, and explains why it’s a solid removal spell.
Jerry spices up Paradoxical Outcome with a sweet Legacy brew.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Rich talks about the impact of doubling the number of bannings that take place each year
Nate and Zac talk fallout over the B&R list.
This week Kate talks about how to make Legacy accessible for yourself.
Carrie looks ahead of Aether Revolt draft and explores the concept of tempo evasion.
Jess talks Overwatch strategies for her secondary healer, LĂșcio. He’s a dance party in pixel form!
Anthony discusses the ways in which Reno Jackson warps the Hearthstone metagame
Standard and Modern bannings?! What a way to kick off 2017, and after such a lousy 2016! It’s fine, folks – this is all normal, believe it or not.