This week Kate discusses the lack of diversity on the newly announced Pro Tour teams.
Jess, a committed pacifist, questions why people are wasting breath defending the bodily integrity of nazis when their end goal is to see us dead.
Carrie breaks down Aether Revolt sealed to help you prepare for Grand Prix San Jose and Prague.
Anthony looks at some lessons he’s carried over from Hearthstone and Magic into Overwatch.
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
This week Aaron discusses his Legacy variant of Sultai Landstill featuring Leovold, Emissary of Trest.
Ever wanted to design your own game? In Game Design 101, we teach you the fundamentals. First up: prototypes. Learn what they are and why they’re essential.
We can learn a lot about our own world and about Kaladesh’s Aether Revolt from the women leading the charge
Nate and Zac talk about Fatal Push’s impact on the Legacy metagame and Worth’s departure from MTGO.
This week Kate takes a brief look at a the new hotness in Legacy, Fatal Push.
Aaron busts out a special Standard edition of Brew Corner starring Tezzeret the Schemer.
Carrie went to town at the Aether Revolt prerelease with the grindiest deck of assembly workers ever built.