Innovation can be an incredibly powerful asset for a deck builder, but it can also lead you down a path that becomes detrimental.
Dear Azami, where did you go? To Hipsters of the Coast, of course.
Who says that only little green men can play with the alarm system? You’ll find Goblins to be more mischievous. Goblin Welder, specifically.
Standard is out of the frying pan but potentially heading straight for the fire. Amonkhet looms large, and with it, there may come more bannings.
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Just what do we actually know about Magic Digital Next? What’s real? What’s speculation? What should you do with your MTGO collection?
Nate and Zac explore a new choice for RuG Delver players and looks and a new deck that placed 4th at Knight Ware.
This week Kate announces the results from her reader poll and reveals her starting decklist for Legacy Hero!
Carrie spent the weekend in the single-elimination online draft leagues.
Jess sees a light in the darkness, but believes we have to stand up for what is good in this world if we want to follow it out of this morass.
Anthony looks at the perils of having formats with too much diversity in the metagame and why such an environment might be even less enjoyable
There is no Modern Masters 2017 Grand Prix. Zach describes this heartbreaking development.