Will Liliana kill one of her demonic masters? Are we getting new gods? Beck is back with more Amonkhet predictions!
Chantelle Campbell finished 24th playing Modern at Grand Prix Vancouver last month, and she’s here to tell you what she’s learned about succeeding in competitive Magic.
Carrie looks at Modern Masters sets of the past to help guide you through a Modern Masters 2017 draft.
Shawn breaks down a sweet and affordable Seismic Swans deck that won Idaho Modern States, all for the price of a Grand Prix entry fee.
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What is a pay to win game and is it actually the worst thing to ever happen ever? Anthony breaks down what is and isn’t worth your money.
Would you like to combine Monastery Mentor with Dread Return in Legacy? Jerry is here to help!
Zach breaks down Magic Online’s new Modern Cube. Learn how it stacks up against the competition and what you need to win your next draft!
Can a single tournament organizer shoulder the responsibility of running every Grand Prix event. Is that the best course of action for Magic?
Rob talks about power in Magic. No, not the creature stat—the power we have as players.
This week Kate explains the value behind Leovold for newer players.
This week Kate sends someone else to test the list and help her fine tune it with some new cards.