Kate gets ready to stream weekly for Legacy Hero! Now we just need to know when you, the viewer, would like to watch.
You can pushproof rug, will the meta care?
Did you hear about Eternal Extravaganza 6 last weekend? Most of us didn’t, and that’s too bad.
Owen Turtenwald joined the latest episode of Limited Resources, and it’s one of the best discussions of draft theory. Carrie builds on Owen’s advice.
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Professional Magic players and spectators aren’t getting what they need. This must change for the health of the game.
Levi begins a two-part dive into the complicated backstory of Nissa Revane. If you love Magic lore, don’t miss this one!
Do you remember the days gone by, when Togless Sultai Control ruled the legacy roost? Aaron does, and he updates it for the new era in a historical series starting today!
Do you want to become a Modern Masters master drafter? Well, look no further! Zach has everything you need to know from release weekend.
It’s once again time to discuss the financial value of Modern Masters. I’m sick of it. You’re sick of it. Let’s get this over with.
Zac and Nate cover GPNJ as well as the lack of a ban in Legacy/Modern/Standard.
Snow might have canceled Legacy but that didn’t mean Kate couldn’t prep for travel to Vegas!