Ryan Sainio explores overlooked gems from Magic’s back catalog that pair well with a specific Commander. First up: Ruhan of the Fomori.
This week in Dear Azami, Levi upgrades an Eldrazi tribal deck built around Vela, the Night-Clad.
Shawn starts off his Modern Hero quest with Elves and shares a video of the deck in action in a MTGO League.
Carrie breaks down the new Amonkhet mechanics and how they will influence Limited in both sealed and draft. Part I talks embalm, exert, and cycling!
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This week Aaron tackles a Hulk of a problem—reviving Hulk Rebirth through all the Surgical Extraction and Rest in Peace hate running around.
The Hispters team react to new spoilers from Amonkhet.
Gods are back, and they’re both very different and very familiar from Theros. Zach breaks down the design of our first new god, Hazoret the Fervent.
Gemma tells you why criticism is good, and how to do it effectively.
Sandro breaks down everything you need to know about playing with Aether Vial.
Two well-known Hearthstone streamers were banned from HGG for offensive language. Is this a good reason to be banned from tournaments? Where’s the line?
Nathan and Zac are confused by kartooshes. Also they can’t wait until Necropotence comes back to Legacy!