Amonkhet Limited Mechanics, Part II

Carrie breaks down the remaining three mechanics of Amonkhet Limited: -1/-1 counters, Aftermath, and Trials/Cartouches.

Week Two

See how our Modern Hero Shawn turned a disappointing performance last week into a 4-1 record on MTGO with GB Elves.

Modern Control, As Foretold

As Foretold, combined with Ancestral Vision, might be one of the most exciting things to happen to Modern blue decks in a long while. Zach breaks down all you need to know about the new, mythic enchantment.

Tweaking the Numbers

When do you want to play two or three copies of a card?

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Threemana Opera

What can Berthold Brecht teach us about the game of Magic?

Is the Magic Story Becoming a Problem for Standard?

Some folks would have you believe that the problems with competitive Magic these days stem from the shift in focus towards the Magic Story. They are wrong.

Amonkhet Spoilers & More Nerco Tech

Zac can’t accept that Necro is still banned in Legacy. Nate breaks dow Amonkhet

Getting Ready for SCG Worcester

Kate talks about her progress with Death and Taxes and her worriesgoing into SCG Worcester.

Wear-Tears of a Clown

Jerry and Patrick bring their amazing Leaving a Legacy podcast to Hipsters!

Worn and Torn

Kate discusses the much needed breakup between Wear//Tear and Counterbalance in Legacy Miracles.

Topping the Tables

Anthony discusses the challenge that table games face when seeking to promote competitive events and attract spectators.