Marching with K Arsenault Rivera

Taya and Hobbes sit down with K Arsenault Rivera (the writer for March of the Machine) to talk about process, the consequences, and why she loves Innistrad.

K. Arsenault Rivera Interview Part One, Writing March of the Machines

Dora sits down with K. Arsenault Rivera, the author of the March of the Machines storyline, now available online.

Unearthing Hidden Gems for Phyrexian Commanders, Part One

Rob begins his slow descent into madness as he tries to compleat new decks for the latest Phyrexian Commanders

Design of a Card: Invasion of Gobakhan (Exclusive Official Preview Card)

Zach dives into the new Battle mechanic and the design space it opens up, including a look at our official preview card!

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Behind the Brush with Andreas Zafiratos on Invasion of Gobakhan (Official Preview Card)

Donny speaks with Andreas Zafiratos, the artist behind Invasion of Gobakhan, about their process creating the art for both sides of the card!

MTG Arena Midweek Magic Guide: Innistrad Constructed

Build some decks with your favorite Innistrad cards and get to battling!

Archangel Elspeth, A New Powerhouse

What makes a good four-mana planeswalker? Lowry looks at the exciting new version of Elspeth, analyzing the strengths and potential impact.

Iteration in Commander Deck Building

Sam looks at the many thoughts and processes which go into editing and improving a Commander deck.

How I Learned to Love Marvel Champions

Ryan takes us on a full tour of Marvels cooperative expandable card game, and shows how it can appeal to Magic players.

Rally The Rankings: Top Artifacts You Should Be Playing In Commander

Ryan takes us through a list of sleeper hit artifacts which deserve a look for your next deck.

Everything You Need To Know About March of the Machine

The machines are marching on the multiverse and we have plenty of cards to look at—including Battles!