Magnificent Modern

The past weekend featured three major Modern tournaments with three thoroughly diverse top eights. Just how awesome is Modern and why might it be growing at Standard’s expense? Find out here!

Why Can’t Wizards and Twitch Promote their own Players?

If Wizards did a better job to promote pro tour players, would they need to invite Amaz to bring more viewers to their marquee event?

Fifty Shades of Deathblade

Sandro breaks down the popular shades of Deathblade for the new Legacy metagame.

Final Countdown

Legacy Hero is back with the final countdown to Grand Prix Las Vegas. See where Kate’s budget Death and Taxes deck stands and her thoughts with three weeks to go.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

A Special Invite Rant

Prominent Hearthstone and Magic: the Gathering streamer Amaz has a special invite to Pro Tour Hour of Devastation. Anthony tells you why that’s great news.

Burning Questions for Hour of Devastation

Beck has all the sweet speculation for Magic story developments in Hour of Devastation.

UB Control with Ben Friedman

Ben Friedman joins LaL to discuss SCG Louisville, Esper Stoneblade, and insane Hascon ticket prices!

All the Squirrels

Ryan has a fun Trostani build based around making all the squirrel tokens.

Dig Through Time, Strip Mine, and Treasure Cruise Banned In 1v1 Commander

Wizards adds more cards to its newest official banlist.

Removal in Amonkhet

Carrie breaks down the various forms of removal in Amonkhet draft, pointing out some ways to get creative.

Week Seven Report

Shawn takes a step back and joins a Modern Friendly League on MTGO. Will it go better than last week? Could it get worse?