Oh yeah, we’re going back to Dominaria by way of Ixalan. That’s right, it’s announcement day!
Levi digs into why the Eldrazi are such difficult villians to write into the Magic story.
Carrie reflects on repetition and the competitive grind as she heads to Grand Prix Las Vegas.
Katie Bates, Rich Stein, and Zach Barash contributed to this article. It’s that time again! The now, um, eight-times-a-year announcement […]
Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.
Last week, as you know by now, Wizards made a grand announcement that this week would be full of grand […]
As announced in MaRo’s Metamorphosis 2.0, enormous changes are coming to Magic. Here is everything you need to know about them.
This week Aaron discusses his long-developed version White-Black Dutch Stax deck, plan B for GP Vegas featuring some of his favorite Legends cards.
Mark Rosewater kicked off announcement week with Metamorphosis 2.0 and we answer the burning question on everyone’s mind: Did MaRo kill Magic?
Getting ready for Grand Prix Las Vegas? Sandro is here to give you the skinny on the top decks in Legacy. Part two is right here.
Is Grand Prix Las Vegas really a Grand Prix or is it time we started thinking of it differently?
Wizards of the Coast has announced a new Magic: the Gathering MMORPG. Anthony is here to tell you what to expect.