Top 16 in SCG Modern with Azorius Control

Anthony Rofino took Azorius Control to a top sixteen finish at the SCG Modern open in Roanoke. Learn all about the deck here.

Infect with Zach Koch

Jerry and Patrick sit down and talk Infect with Zach Koch, who’s hot off a Top 32 finish at GP Vegas.

July 13, 2017—Efro is a Free Agent

Efro is a free agent for the next Pro Tour season, plus the latest Magic story.

Prime Speaker Eldrazi

Ryan has some fun Dollar-Drazi ideas that Simic like a lot of fun: Prime Speaker Eldrazi Dollar General.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

The July 12th, 2017 Minute

Last night saw a great finale to the end of the Team Draft Super League’s swiss rounds.

Release the Devastation

Carrie reports from the Hour of Devastation pre-release. First impression? The mana is a lot worse for aggressive decks.

Iroas Aggro is Bad, Right?

Levi takes a look at an aggressive Boros Commander deck based around Iroas, God of War.

The July 11, 2017 Minute

Wizards reduces the number of publicly available undefeated decklists and the return of the MTGO rewind bug.

Feeling Aggro

We finally get to play with Hour of Devastation, and something felt off. Not something obvious like Afflict or Bolas’ schemes. No, something off with… Aggro Exert?!

Modern Mentoring

This week Aaron continues brewing in Modern with Monastery Mentor at the request of a reader.

The July 10, 2017 Minute

On today’s Minute: this year’s SDCC promos have been revealed, plus Hour of Devastation prereleases online and IRL.