Gearing Up for the RPTQ

Roman breaks down the Standard metagame heading into Grand Prix Denver and the second set of RPTQs.

TCGPlayer vs ION Scanner: The Battle of the Card-Scanning Apps

TCGPlayer’s mobile app can now scan cards.

10 Cards You Didn’t Know Were Still In Standard

Playing Grand Prix Denver this weekend? We have some suggestions.

Commander 2017 Continued

Ryan reviews the rest of the new generals from Commander 2017.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

The 10,000,000th Sanctioned Magic Event…And Dragons!

Unbelievable but true: the 10,000,000th Magic event was held last weekend.

Getting Some Modern Reps with Affinity

Carrie took Affinity out for a tune-up at a local Modern PPTQ and made her first top eight in the format before losing to a fun Paradox Engine combo deck.

The 2017 SDCC Promos Are Expensive And Still Available

This year’s SDCC promos are $165 and are still available for purchase 24 hours after going on sale.

This is 31

Magic is an old game. It’s been with some of us for the majority of our lives. As his birthday looms, Zach reminisces on the many ways Magic has changed his life.

Hero Cards in Frozen Throne, Part II

Anthony breaks down the remaining hero cards in Knights of the Frozen Throne.

Modern is Healthy and an Ixalan Geocaching Game

Both Burn and Bant Knightfall won Modern GPs this weekend.

The Most Punchable Villains in the Multiverse

It’s time to answer the torch-burning question on everyone’s mind: Which of the multiverse’s villains are the most punchable?