Judges Aren’t Wizards Employees…For Now

A federal judge dismissed Paul Yale’s lawsuit claiming that Magic judges are Wizards employees yesterday.

HasCon Prep and More

Jerry and Patrick discuss their latest stream, plans for HASCON, and more!

Getting the Banned Back Together

Nathan asks Zac, “What is the philosophy behind the Banned and Restricted list?”

Five Predictions for the Broken Gatewatch Saga

Beck predicts the next stages of the Magic Story—the Broken Gatewatch Saga.

Card Kingdom

Lightning-fast shipping, exceptional customer service, unique MTG products, and general awesomeness since 1999.

Awaiting the Iconic

Iconic Masters is coming in soon, and with a blind prerelease, the likes of which we haven’t seen in over twenty years! What might be inside? Let’s figure it out!

Class-Action Suit Alleging Judges are Wizards Employees Dismissed

Magic Judge Paul Yale filed a class-action suit in 2015 against Wizards of the Coast.

Standard RPTQ Top 8 Metagame Analysis

Last weekend’s RPTQ Top 8 decks are now available!

Temur Energy at the Top of RPTQ Top 8s

Temur Energy took down GP Denver and was the most played deck in last weekend’s RPTQs.

Runeaxe Giants

Ryan takes a swing of the axe at Jund Giants featuring random old guy Commander Bartel Runeaxe.

The Leaked FNM Double-Sided Token Promos

The WPN leak revealed the new FNM promos yesterday.

Ten Hour Commons to Play in Sealed

Heading to Grand Prix Indianapolis? Carrie discuses ten commons in Hour of Devastation that you want to play in Sealed.